this is the first thanksgiving without my father.... well, it's actually the first holiday without my father... it's weird... I have been training myself for this day for a while. Making sure I ended every conversation with " I love you dad" for a few years now. Even if it was expected i still feel unprepared.... I remember how he couldn't say certain words properly, like "Octopus." He always said "oxtapush." It's not like that word comes up too often in every day, but I always thought it was charming in some way.
I went for a walk because the walls were closing in on me today (and because the cats woke me up at 7 am by knocking dishes off the table, and then knocking stuff over as they ran away from the noises they created) and I saw this old man, probably like 70-80 years old. His thick glasses were laying crooked on his face, and he had a box of Tim Horton's. He was walking with his granddaughter, and he had the biggest smile on his face. I lost my shit in public, and had to hide in the park a few minutes to compose myself.