Friday, February 04, 2011

unripe banana

It's a Banana. These don't grow in canada, and I like to eat them still a little green. Just because. They are especially good if you fry them in butter with a sprinkle of cinnamon.


nixwilliams said...

i will have to try that...

nixwilliams said...

clearly this stuck in my mind, because last night i had a dream that we met up in a bar that served bananas this way!

mercurysmile said...

haha! it's so good! if you feel extra fancy you can put some honey on them in the pan, and they get all caramelized and yummy, then serve with creme fresh or whipped cream! so yum!

nixwilliams said...

yummmmmmmm. that's going in my 'things to make' list. even though bananas are gonna be super expensive here after the floods and cyclones in queensland over the last month!